Weekend was fun, and long. But not as long for me as it was for some people...grrrrrr. I went to my Oma's house on Friday for food and we had Lake Erie perch which is very very good. I also got chocolate. On Saturday I went to my Aunt Joan's house for more food (ham), and again, more chocolate. Saturday night we went bowling since it is Chris's birthday (22) around now and that was also cool. I didn't do as badly as normal and got over 100 points in 2 of 3 games. We also went to William's afterwards but we couldn't get a table all together because there were about 10 of us. Feelings of segregation embittered the participants and we all went home. Actually there was no bitterness, but that was a cool sentence. Also on Saturday I helped Matt start to build his new computer. Now I want a new computer. On Sunday I went with Kim to her Aunt's house and had more ham and also cherry cheese cake...mmmm. And chocolate. My mom gave me chocolate too of course.
Concept of the weekend: chocolate; Personal wonderment of the weekend: why were there so many poorly labeled wires in Matt's new case?