Superfluous Matter
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Mmmmmm...pancakes and assorted meats. Jen and I went to Brad's house (as did Rob and Chris and Sean, Brad's roommate+fiance were also there for a bit) last night for pancakes because it was pancake Tuesday, also known as Shrove Tuesday or Fat Tuesday. Apparently "Mardi Gras" actually means Fat Tuesday (which is pretty obvious if you have ever learned some French) and so, logically, Mardi Gras just happened in New Orleans. I did not know this previously and I thought that Mardi Gras was just some random drunken, naked, bead filled party/riot.

Anyway, the pancakes were very good (there was also bacon and sausage) and after eating we watched Superman 3 which was clearly a very bad movie. Then we played a really good card game that had a name, but people kept pronouncing it differently and it sounded too hard to spell regardless. The end result is that I didn't get home in time to study much for econ before I feel asleep.

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