Superfluous Matter
Weekend Things

I did a few things this I'll blather on about them for a bit here.

Friday Kim and I hit up Spring Rolls for some supper and then saw Hellboy 2. I liked the original Hellboy and I loved the style of "Pan's Labyrinth" and since the director of all three is the same guy (Guillermo del Toro) this was a must see movie. It was pretty good and the creativity and attention to detail used in the creatures and monsters was awesome. Good movie!

Saturday we went to a bakery on St. Clair in hunt of the best croissant in Toronto. I'm already partial to the ones from Thuet, but since they're the only ones I've tried I though I should broaden my horizons. Anyway, these were good croissants, but not as good as the ones I had recently in New York. These ones could have been just a touch more buttery I thought. The bakery ended up being in the middle of something called the Salsa Festival (which is in it's 4th year apparently) so after getting the croissants we explored that for a bit and got some empanadas. Then we went to the Loblaws that's right there and did a bit of grocery shopping before heading home.

Last night I installed the latest version of Ubuntu on my desktop and today I also installed it on my laptop. It's pretty good, same old happy Linux with updated software and a few new features. I can't complain. Finally, I replaced my never used Vista installation on my laptop with Windows XP (also likely to remain unsed).

This evening I went climbing for the first time in like 3 weeks. It felt good to be back and I'm looking forward to going again on Wednesday.

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