Superfluous Matter
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Last weekend was sweet, I did lots of fun stuff and saw lots of people. Both Kim and Mike came to Toronto and I hung out with them and Alex and also Adrienne and Matt all at various points in the weekend.

Mike came down on Thursday and I watched The OC with him and Alex at Alias...soooooo good. That show rocks hard core. Hahaha. We also chatted a bunch and ate some grapes. Mmmmm...scurvy-reducing food.

Friday Mike came back to visit people at Alias, and later we got supper at Spring Rolls. Then we picked up Kim at the bus station and took the subway back to my place. I got to see a bunch of stuff from Mike's trip to California and we generally had a good time (mostly involving more food...I ate soooo much this weekend).

Saturday we went shopping at the Eaton's Centre and then in the evening, Matt, Adrienne and I saw Apocalyptica at the Guvernment downtown. The show was even better than last time I saw them. They had a new fourth member (they only had three last term), and the stage was much better (they had cool skull chairs to sit in and it was much easier to see). Also, the crowd was much more into the music so there was a lot of good energy going on. After the concert we went to Loblaws to get drinks and food. I got a gigantic smoothie thing...mmmmm...5.5 servings of fruit. Haha.

Sunday I took Kim to the bus station to go home and then I met up with Mike and Alex to go rock climbing at the house of a guy from work. It was really cool, and I think I'm going to try to do a training session at a proper gym, and then try to go regularly with people from work. Maybe I'll even buy my own equipment eventually. After rock climbing we went to Spring Rolls for one more supper before Mike had to go home.

Here are some pictures of me rock climbing.

Rock climbing -- cheating with my hand on the wall
Rock climbing -- cheating with my hand on the wall
Side view of rock climbing
Side view of rock climbing
Rock climbing with large spread
Rock climbing with large spread
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